That was unexpected. The New York Times called us out of the blue at the end of July and conducted a brief interview with the EmpowerSource founder.
The article came out on July 29 and it turned out great! “Germans Combat Climate Change from Their Balconies” is already a fantastic title. The content lives up to this promise of quality. In addition to personal testimonials from users, one of the leading providers is also quoted. The article ends with a user’s clarification: “I’m not saving the world, but I’m doing my part. That feels good.” It couldn’t be explained any better. In fact the article was so well written that it could immediately be used to make progress in the efforts towards a standardization process for plug-in solar devices in the USA (in which we are loosely involved).
Other international leading media outlets also picked up on the topic. For example, the BBC4 radio station invited EmpowerSource for an interview on the same day (you can find it here, starting at minute 39:33). A TV interview for the BBC is supposed to follow soon.
We would like to harness this attention to gradually gain an overview of international conditions and developments. That’s why we have started a forum, that gives people around the world the opportunity to exchange their knowledge around the topic.
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