by Achim Ginsberg-Klemmt, Principal Investigator (DOE Award DE-SC0022708) & Vice President of Engineering – GismoPower® LLC

If you believe that “Plug-In Solar & Power” or “Balcony Solar” technologies should become widely available in the United States starting in 2026, time is running out to make your voice heard. The deadline to submit your request is August 28th, 2024.

Changing the National Electric Code (NEC) is a complex and slow-moving process, often hindered by restrictive rules. Safety is a paramount concern for the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), which oversees the NEC, while the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save fuel, and provide access to renewable energy for renters, small businesses, and moderate-income households do not count for the NFPA to put matters on a faster track.

If you’re tired of waiting and talking and waiting and talking and instead want to take action now, here’s a step-by-step guide to participating in this important movement:

  1. Create an NFPA Account: Visit using Google Chrome (Safari does not work for me) or your preferred browser to create an account. This will enable you to submit changes to the NEC.
  2. Navigate to the NEC Development Page: Go to the following URL:
  3. Submit Public Comments: Select the “Next Edition” tab and click on the “Submit Public Comments Online” button.
  4. Focus on Article 627: Scroll down to “Article 627 Electric Self-Propelled Vehicle Power Transfer Systems (ESVSEs).” While this article currently focuses on vehicle power transfer systems, it could reasonably be expanded to include “Plug-In Solar & Power” technologies. Feel free to propose any alternative solutions you believe would better address this issue. When prompted to add a “Related Item,” consider selecting “Global FR 9093” as a reference.
  5. Share Your Submission: Here’s a link to what we submitted for reference. Use it as inspiration, but don’t hesitate to ask for what you’ve always wanted but never dared to request
  6. Stay Tuned: We will update you on the NFPA’s decision regarding “Balcony Solar” and “Plug-In Solar & Power” in late October, once the committee has cast its votes.